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Systems marked with "*" are reported in Boom or Inestment state in the last 48 hours
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Alphabetical order:
#SystemPortDst LSCommodityAllocCostIllegalPermit
1 16 LyraeBudrys RingStates: None 2d ago1.47KLyrae Weedyes
2 17 LyraeLangford EnterpriseStates: None 1d ago2.2KUltra-Compact Processor119,350
3 36 OphiuchiKatzenstein Dock*States: Boom 1d ago4.22MOphiuch Exino Artefacts104,356
4 39 TauriPortaStates: None 2d ago1KTauri Chimes17838
5 47 CetiGlushko StationStates: Expansion 2d ago600KAepyornis Egg122,654
6 47 CetiKaufmanis HubStates: Expansion 2d ago592.66KCeti Rabbits121,675
7 9 AurigaeHunt EnterpriseStates: None 1d ago68.47KSaxon Wine
8 AegaeonSchweickart StationStates: None 2d ago11.6KChateau De Aegaeon141,283
9 AerialAndrade Legacy*States: Boom 1d ago180Eden Apples Of Aerial15621
10 AganippeJulian Market*States: Boom 2d ago117Aganippe Rush48,966
11 AlacarakmoWeyl GatewayStates: None 2d ago16Alacarakmo Skin Art141,421
12 Alpha CentauriHutton Orbital*States: Boom,Civil liberty,Public Holiday 1d ago68MCentauri Mega Gin73,319
13 Alpha CentauriHutton Orbital*States: Boom,Civil liberty,Public Holiday 1d ago68MThe Hutton Mug30125
14 AltairSolo Orbiter*States: Boom,Civil liberty 1d ago667Altairian Skin26489
15 AlyaMalaspina GatewayStates: None 2d ago540KAlya Body Soap16454
16 AnduligaCelsius EstateStates: None 32d ago626.22KAnduliga Fire Works16891
17 Any NaLibby OrbitalStates: None 2d ago581Any Na Coffee111,790
18 AroucaShipton OrbitalStates: Outbreak 2d ago410Arouca Conventual Sweets121,191
19 ArqueBaird Gateway*States: Investment,Infrastructure Failure 1d ago592Shan's Charis Orchid
20 AZ CancriFisher Station*States: Boom,Civil liberty 2d ago16Az Cancri Formula 4286,442
21 Baltah'SineBaltha'Sine StationStates: None 2d ago356Baltah'sine Vacuum Krill18825
22 BankiAntonio de Andrade Vista*States: Boom 1d ago532.84KBanki Amphbious Leather18634
23 BastHart StationStates: Outbreak 1d ago202Bast Snake Gin101,080
24 BelalansBoscovich RingStates: None 2d ago79Belalans Ray Leather11882
25 BentoSnow MoonStates: Expansion 1d ago26.18KCrystalline Spheres126,125
26 BorasetaniKatzenstein TerminalStates: None 3d ago230Borasetani Pathogenetics
27 CD-75 661Kirk DockStates: None 1d ago339CD-75 Kitten Brand Coffee122,373
28 CherbonesChalker LandingStates: Expansion 1d ago576.74KCherbones Blood Crystals312,550
29 Chi EridaniSteve Masters*States: Boom,Expansion 1d ago2.18KChi Eridani Marine Paste18784
30 ColoniaJaques Station*States: Investment,Civil liberty,Public Holiday 24h ago1.58KJaques Quinentian Still27
31 CoquimHirayama InstallationStates: None 3d ago606Coquim Spongiform Victuals20255
32 CromChorel SurveyStates: None 2d ago1.28KCrom Silver Fesh
33 DamnaNemere MarketStates: None 2d ago2.58KDamna Carapaces15315
34 Dea MotronaPinzon DockStates: None 5d ago17MMotrona Experience Jelly117,420yes
35 Delta PavonisHooper RelayStates: Civil liberty,Public Holiday 24h ago196Pavonis Ear Grubs24662yes
36 Delta PhoenicisTrading PostStates: Expansion 2d ago3.76KDelta Phoenicis Palms17412
37 DeuringasShukor HubStates: Civil unrest 1d ago798Deuringas Truffles71,892
38 DisoShifnalportStates: None 1d ago284Diso Ma Corn15180
39 EleuFinney DockStates: None 1d ago333Eleu Thermals13873
40 Epsilon IndiMansfield OrbiterStates: Outbreak 1d ago143Indi Bourbon81,288
41 EraninAzeban City*States: Boom 1d ago290Eranin Pearl Whisky81,620yes
42 EshuShajn TerminalStates: None 11d ago1.74KEshu Umbrellas92,050
43 EsusekuSavinykh OrbitalStates: None 3d ago275Esuseku Caviar102,450
44 EthgrezeBloch StationStates: None 2d ago348Ethgreze Tea Buds73,261
45 FujinFuten Spaceport*States: Investment,Infrastructure Failure,Civil liberty 1d ago536Fujin Tea engNeeded to unlock Broo Tarquin101,003
46 Fullerene C60Rebuy ProspectStates: None 1d ago238Buckyball Beer Mats
47 GeawenObruchev LegacyStates: None 5d ago42.63KGeawen Dance Dust261,022
48 George PantazisZamka Platform*States: Boom,Drought 1d ago45Pantaa Prayer Sticks131,827
49 GerasYurchikhin PortStates: None 2d ago10MGerasian Gueuze Beer29456
50 GilyaBell OrbitalStates: None 2d ago462Gilya Signature Weapons127,290
51 GomanGustav Sporer PortStates: None 1d ago271Goman Yaupon Coffee161,451
52 HaidenSearfoss EnterpriseStates: Expansion 1d ago561.08KHaidne Black Brew141,347
53 HarmaGabriel Enterprise*States: Boom 24h ago258Harma Silver Sea Rum
54 HavasupaiLovelace PortStates: Boom 4d ago601.31KHavasupai Dream Catcher29,636
55 HecateRJH1972*States: Investment,War 1d ago525Live Hecate Sea Worms131,190
56 HeikeBrunel CityStates: Drought 1d ago410Ceremonial Heike Tea81,920
57 HelvetitjFriend OrbitalStates: Expansion 12d ago445Helvetitj Pearls61,810
58 HIP 10175Stefanyshyn-Piper StationStates: None 1d ago4.85KHIP 10175 Bush Meat132,105
59 HIP 118311Lubbock Market*States: Boom,Expansion 2d ago89HIP 118311 Swarm
60 HIP 41181Andersson StationStates: None 3d ago536.71KHIP Proto-Squid51,488
61 HIP 59533Burnham BeaconStates: Expansion 5d ago529.6KBurnham Bile Distillate4806
62 HIP 80364Stasheff ColonyStates: None 10d ago2.63KHIP Organophosphates36385
63 HolvaKreutz OrbitalStates: None 2d ago22KHolva Duelling Blades76,518
64 HR 7221Veron CityStates: None 3d ago1.89KHR 7221 Wheat16415
65 IrukamaBlaauw CityStates: Expansion 2d ago325Giant Irukama Snails161,810
66 JaradharreGohar StationStates: None 1d ago526.18KJaradharre Puzzle Box412,706
67 JarouaMcCool CityStates: Expansion 2d ago142Jaroua Rice18385
68 JotunIcelockStates: None 1d ago80Jotun Mookah321,252yes
69 KachiriginNowak OrbitalStates: None 3d ago340Kachirigin Filter Leeches10473
70 KamitraHammel TerminalStates: Expansion 1d ago84Kamitra Cigars engNeeded to unlock Hera Tani66,218
71 KamorinGodwin VisionStates: Pirate attack 2d ago445Kamorin Historic Weapons122,678yes
72 Kappa FornacisHarvestport*States: Boom 1d ago918Onion Head17775yes
73 KaretiiSinclair PlatformStates: Bust,Civil unrest,Expansion 1d ago990Karetii Couture55,225
74 Karsuki TiWest MarketStates: None 1d ago28Karsuki Locusts18915
75 KinagoFozard RingStates: None 3d ago1.72KKinago Violins3728
76 KonggaLaplace RingStates: None 1d ago254Kongga Ale engNeeded to unlock Lori Jameson16585
77 Korro KungLonchakov OrbitalStates: None 1d ago622.04KKoro Kung Pellets20220
78 LaveLave StationStates: None 1d ago288Lavian Brandy engNeeded to unlock Didi Vatermann243,500
79 LDS 883Smith Reserve*States: Boom 3d ago54.48KChameleon Cloth71,664
80 LeestiGeorge LucasStates: None 24h ago261Leestian Evil Juice14334
81 LeestiGeorge LucasStates: None 24h ago261Azure Milk73,010
82 LFT 1421Ehrlich OrbitalStates: None 1d ago773KVoid Extract Coffee132,357
83 LHS 3447Bluford OrbitalStates: None 2d ago2.11KGalactic Travel Guides
84 LP 375-25King GatewayStates: None 8d ago514.7KHonesty Pills131,365
85 LTT 8517Euclid TerminalStates: None 6d ago711.77KNon Euclidian Exotanks16892
86 LTT 9360Smeaton OrbitalStates: None 2d ago19MLTT Hypersweet19222
87 MechucosBrandenstein PortStates: None 9d ago534.14KMechucos High Tea121,345
88 MedbVela DockStates: Expansion 1d ago17MMedb Starlube18416
89 MokojingNoli TerminalStates: Infrastructure Failure 4d ago539.4KMokojing Beast Feast72,681
90 Momus ReachTartarus Point*States: Boom 1d ago420Momus Bog Spaniel71,825
91 MukusubiiLedyard DockStates: None 2d ago505.43KMukusubii Chitin-Os15661
92 MulachiClark TerminalStates: Expansion 2d ago690KMulachi Giant Fungus2286
93 NahuatlArtzybasheff TerminalStates: Expansion 2d ago133Platinum Alloy3014,860
94 NeritusToll RingStates: Expansion 2d ago524Neritus Berries13850
95 NgadandariNapier TerminalStates: None 8d ago502.36KNgadandari Fire Opals1016,028
96 NgunaBiggle HubStates: Boom 4d ago1.87KNguna Modern Antiques18930
97 NguriiCheranovsky City*States: Boom,Infrastructure Failure 1d ago1.27KSoontill Relics engNeeded to unlock Elvira Martuuk20017,000
98 NjambalbaFrost Dock*States: Boom 3d ago32.36KPersonal Gifts2012,250
99 NjangariLee HubStates: Expansion 1d ago21.48KNjangari Saddles1365
100 NotiWeber Gateway*States: Boom 1d ago73Master Chefs1318,000yes
101 OchoengRoddenberry GatewayStates: Expansion 1d ago484Ochoeng Chillies14998
102 OrrereSharon Lee Free MarketStates: None 1d ago961Orrerian Vicious Brew16533
103 PhiagreGreeboski's Outpost*States: Boom 1d ago85Giant Verrix66,552
104 QuechuaCrown RingStates: Expansion 1d ago120Albino Quechua Mammoth Meat102,538
105 RajukruSnyder TerminalStates: None 2d ago117Rajukru Multi-Stoves27682
106 Rapa BaoFlagg GatewayStates: Expansion 2d ago2.34KRapa Bao Snake Skins11550
107 RusaniFernandes Market*States: Boom 1d ago73Rusani Old Smokey105,810yes
108 SanumaDunyach Gateway*States: Boom 1d ago6KSanuma Decorative Meat25860
109 Shinrarta DezhraJameson MemorialStates: None 24h ago346Waters of Shintara67,495yes
110 SothisNewholm Station*States: Boom 1d ago1.85KSothis Crystalline Gold2015,905
111 TanmarkCassie-L-PeiaStates: None 1d ago414Lucan Onion Head91,814
112 TanmarkCassie-L-PeiaStates: None 1d ago414Tanmark Tranquil Tea12815
113 Tarach TorTranquillityStates: Drought 2d ago359Tarach Spice81,056yes
114 Terra MaterGR8MindsStates: Bust 24h ago504Terra Mater Blood Bores247,824yesyes
115 ThrutisKingsbury DockStates: None 2d ago288Thrutis Cream11925
116 TiegfriesLambert DockStates: War 4d ago499Tiegfries Synthsilk
117 TiolceGordon TerminalStates: None 1d ago158Tiolce Waste2Paste Units161,153
118 ToxandjiTsunenaga Orbital*States: Boom,Expansion 1d ago7.62KToxandji Virocide19535
119 UszaaGuest InstallationStates: None 3d ago4.35KUszaian Tree Grub14965
120 UtgaroarFort Klarix*States: Boom,Expansion 1d ago171Utgaroar Millennial Eggs151,795
121 UzumokuSverdrup RingStates: None 2d ago505.3KUzumoku Low-G Wings88,496
122 V1090 HerculisKaku PlantStates: None 70d ago1.24MV Herculis Body Rub20161
123 VanayequiClauss HubStates: None 3d ago81Vanayequi Ceratomorpha Fur10615
124 VegaTaylor CityStates: None 1d ago1.1KVega Slimweed282,398yes
125 VidavantaLee MinesStates: None 7d ago556.88KVidavantian Lace56,771
126 VolkhabVernadsky Dock*States: Boom 1d ago408Volkhab Bee Drones113,262
127 WheemeteEisinga EnterpriseStates: None 7d ago551.63KWheemete Wheat Cakes19262
128 WitchhaulHornby TerminalStates: Expansion 1d ago219Witchhaul Kobe Beef94,520
129 Wolf 1301Saunders's Dive*States: Boom 1d ago415Wolf Fesh13712yes
130 WulpaWilliams GatewayStates: None 1d ago28Wulpa Hyperbore Systems101,175
131 Wuthielo KuTarter DockStates: None 3d ago174Wuthielo Ku Froth17420
132 XelabaraNavigator MarketStates: None 6d ago303Onionhead Alpha Strain10765
133 XiheZhen Dock*States: Boom 1d ago1.92KXihe Biomorphic Companions engNeeded to unlock Zacariah Nemo74,482
134 Yaso KondiWheeler MarketStates: Expansion 1d ago112Yaso Kondi Leaf56,060
135 ZaonceRidley ScottStates: None 1d ago390Leathery Eggs123,115
136 ZeesszeNicollier Hangar*States: Boom,Civil liberty,Expansion 1d ago489Zeessze Ant Grub Glue18704
rows: 136
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